How It Works

It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3.

Step 1.

Install the FARMD-Bar System™ 3-6” above the highest weighted float.

Step 2.

Attach the Cord Lock to each float cable.

Step 3.

There is no step 3.

Seriously, it’s that simple. The FARMD-Bar System™ connects all floats together to create a stable platform that prevents any rotation. This greatly reduces the floats from slipping from their designated heights and causing a false alarm. The FARMD-Bar System™ is not secured to the chamber like a float bracket, but instead is connected directly to the floats themselves using manufacturers designated Cord Locks.

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4 Floats tangled causing false alarms.


FARMD-Bar System 4 Horseshoe Angled Bar.

See How It Works with the following videos of Sump Pumps Before and After the use of FARMD-Bar System™.



The FARMD-Bar System ™ design matches industry standards of Float Brackets for spacing patterns

FARMD-Bar System ™ – Cord Lock

Rotation Cord Lock
Horseshoe Angled

Push Cord Lock
Horseshoe Angle or Flat Bar

Compression Cord Lock
Circle Angle *

* Float rewiring is Required

FARMD-Bar System ™ – Horseshoe

Patent Pending No. 63/187,576

Angled FARMD-Bar ™
1/8th Stainless Steel

1/8th Stainless Steel

Retrofit for Existing Systems

Designed to look after customers with Sump Pumps already installed. The FARMD-Bar retrofit system features horseshoe shaped slots designed to hold floats in place without the need to rewire the system, saving you time and money.

The bar is available in either flat or angled styles and works with either the Push Cord Lock or Rotation Cord Lock as its locking system.

FARMD-Bar System ™ – Circle *

Patent Pending No. 63/187,576
* Float rewiring is Required

Angled FARMD-Bar ™
1/8th Stainless Steel

1/8th Stainless Steel

New Installations

New installations can use any of the FARMD-Bar System.

The choice is up to you:  

1) FARMD-Bar Angled or Flat Horseshoe System with Push Cord Lock or Rotation Cord Lock. 

2) FARMD-Bar System Angled or Flat Circular System with Compression Cord Lock (requires threading of cable through the FARMD-Bars).

The FARMD-Bar System ™ design matches industry standards of Float Brackets for spacing patterns.